1625 Independent People
1625 Independent People works with young people aged 16 to 25 in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and Bath and North East Somerset.
1625IP provides support to help young people find and/or sustain their accommodation as well as providing safe and stable supported housing that is affordable and accessible. Youth Futures Foundation has supported 1625IP, with grant funding of £875,000, in partnership with the West of England Combined Authority which has also contributed £720,000.
The £1.6 million award secures the 1625IP’s ability to support young people who are leaving care to prepare for and find paid work.
Building on the success of its’ existing youth employment and education work, 1625IP will extend its innovative Reboot West project until March 2025. It will work in partnership with the leaving care and employment and skills teams across four local authorities offering coaching, training and bespoke careers support, underpinned by an innovative psychological approach.
"My Reboot Coach nurtured me and helped me to regain my confidence and independence, as well as helping me to build up my self-worth and self-respect to prepare me for my future career. I have been so lucky to experience care in such a beautiful and fulfilling way, not only with the support of Reboot but also with support from past carers and with the support of my family” – Jordyn – a young person on the Reboot West Project